October 2, 2007

US Sucks at Rugby

The US has once again failed to win a fixture at the Rugby World Cup, and finished dead last in our group. We're an English colony. We have 300 million people. Why no good rugby? Maybe it's the lack of cheerleaders...

3 Responses:

Anonymous said...

maybe we suck at it because it takes a special kind of person to run and kick the ball with soccer and football playing hand and hand with no helmut, pads or any other protective gear. maybe were just smart!

"ben" said...

I think there's enough evidence on this blog alone that we are not smart.

J-Red said...

Rugby and soccer are the two least attractive sports for advertisers, because they don't have enough planned stops in the action. No advertisers means no money, and no money means only large, slow (admittedly tough) white kids who drink too much play rugby in this country.

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